Provider Resources

See also—Parent Resources

Use the information in the links below to help introduce and follow up on screening with families.

Screening and Follow-Up

What is Developmental Screening?
Describes screening and its purpose. See Developmental Screening Toolkit.
Tips for screening famililes from diverse cultures
What to consider when screening families from diverse cultures.
Expanding your screening Program
Three providers share their techniques and resources.
Tips for promoting screening
Strategies and ideas to promote screening in your community.
Talking to Parents / Communicating Results
Steps and considerations for follow up steps after screening.
About Social Emotional Screening
Introducing the purpose of social-emotional screening and key terms used can help families feel more at ease.
Introducing Screening to Parents
Parent-friendly language and considerations to help with introducing screening to parents.
Next Steps After Screening
A handout for parents. Recommended follow up actions parents can do at any time.


Overview of Early Intervention Services
Providers and staff can find essential information about thesystem of early intervention referral and services for children ages 0–5years. Share with parents who are concerned about their child'sdevelopment and need information about these family centered services.
Bright Futures for Families
From AAP, information and handouts on children's health including well child visits.

Teaching and Learning

NAEYC Teaching and Learning Magazine Articles
Free articles about teaching and learning for ages of infant through 8 years old.
Tips and Handouts on Teaching Social Skills
Resources and tip sheets on a variety of topics related to young children's social emotional development (how to gain cooperation, biting, independence in daily routines).
Teaching Tools
Positive strategies and activities to support young children with challenging behaviors. Share with parents, use as staff training or self-training tools.
Understanding Dyslexia
This overview can answer many of your basic questions about dyslexia. It can also lead you to more in-depth information.
Understanding Dyslexia (Spanish)
This overview can answer many of your basic questions about dyslexia. It can also lead you to more in-depth information.